Well - our Peanut is getting settled into human life ... here are some of the highlights of his first few weeks:

Here's his first bath at home (actually at Nana's) - we were told not to bathe him until the Plastibell and Umbilical Cord had both fallen off. Well - at two weeks - both were securely in place and we bathed him anyway. Wouldn't you know it, that night the Plastibell thing came off (if you don't know what that is, well - you're better off!). But we weren't so lucky with the Belly Button, it didn't budge. He really liked the bath - he just kept looking around, "oohhhing", didn't cry at all.

When he got out of the bath, he seemed very content - this is our first baby to not cry during their first bath - he is just too precious!
When he got out of the bath, he seemed very content - this is our first baby to not cry during their first bath - he is just too precious!
This boy also LOVES to cuddle - any chance he gets he is curled up in a ball on your lap or in your arms or anywhere he is cradled by an actual human - he is a comfort lover!
This is a rite of passage in our home - they must all pass the nipple confusion test - if they really try to get something out of daddy's nose, well - we are all in trouble!
He hasn't been very awake yet - so I had to snap some photos one day when he had his eyes open. They are darling and when he is in the sunlight they look very blue!

And what can you expect after a sleepless night? A totally knocked out baby! I have never seen him sleep this sound - if only I could have joined him, he was OUT!
And what can you expect after a sleepless night? A totally knocked out baby! I have never seen him sleep this sound - if only I could have joined him, he was OUT!
Anyhow, this baby is WONDERFUL! He is a good baby and sleeps most of the time - we just had one rough night so far (I am sure there are more on the way). He smiles a lot, and even though it's all attributed to "gas", I think those smiles are as real as they can be. He is happy and sweet and doesn't fuss too much. And he now has a belly button! Yeah - so now baths will become a regular fixture of our everyday lives - and he will love that.
If you haven't met him yet, you need to, he really is just too wonderful. This is our crowning glory on our family and we couldn't have asked for a sweeter, more delightful way to top us off. He is adored and loved and doted on like crazy - we are so glad he is here.
And... just for the record ... we were scheduled to have him today - so if he hadn't already been born, I would be in the hospital as we speak. Instead, I am sitting here typing up about his first few weeks, wearing non-maternity pants! Life is just flying by faster than I can spin. And it gets me a little sad (not hard in this post partum state), but then I look at my perfect little angel and his fun, crazy siblings and I don't get too overcome with the emotions. Four is a good number for us and we are very blessed and very lucky to have them - now, if we can just get this parenting thing figured out!
Can't wait to hold this little munchkin! See you soon
He is adorable, I'm glad he is such a good baby. I need to hold him! What is his name??
Jenny he is so sweet. Congratulations!
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