Sunday, June 8, 2008

Skype and the Camera

So part of the fun of having our new computer is being able to actually USE the camera we received for Christmas and use Skype to talk to my sister in Australia. This week we were able to get all the kinks out and the camera is working and we are now communicating with Australia - for FREE!!! Does it get any better than that? This way Aunt Debbie isn't a stranger when she comes home for visits. The Boy even figured out how to make the call and while I was busy preparing dinner I hear Debbie's voice say, "Does your mom know you called me?" What's so cool is that it doesn't matter if they call her, it's FREE! Wahoo! So, in playing with the camera we snapped these shots:

Here's a little Old Home Movie version of the girls and I.

Here I am with my alien child - we always knew there would be at least one!

I think this was in the A-Ha video of "Take On Me" - like there were any other videos they made!

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