Friday, January 22, 2010

The Joys of Teleconferencing

Last night Bert and I were having our weekly date night (a la Hulu) after the kids were in bed.

We were catching up on one of our favorite shows ... honestly, the only show we actually watch, when we were interrupted by a Skype call. (If you don't know what Skype is, you should find out - really!)
The call was from our fantastic friends in Arizona to let us know that their son, "D",

had received his mission call and was about to open it.

We had all made guesses as to the possible location and we were excited to find out where he would be spending the next two years of his life!

So, the mom and dad

were busy rounding up people whatever way they could. There were laptops and desk tops, cell phones and house phones all over the room. A few friends were there, too. Literally, it was quite the mad house. There were phones ringing, computers beeping and all sorts of conversations going on all over the place.

The mom had connected with us

through Skype, but was not sure if she should call my mom that late. I assured her that my mom would love to be a part of this, even if it meant waking her up. So, I brought my mom

into the Skype call, which meant we were now a three-party call, so no more video, just sound. This ended up being a very good thing. As my mom connected with us on Skype we heard her hacking away in the back ground, and I am sorry to say, but due to the craziness of the entire situation, Bert and I were just giggling away as we watied.

We were mostly waiting to get "D"s big brother:

and big sister

on Skype and on the phone, respectively.

So, once we had everyone connected, the call was read and the location was announced.

And ... he will be serving in

Seriously, how awesome is that???
There was noise and activity all around - lot's of excitement!

And my poor mom was hacking in the background the whole time ...

And we were giggling the whole time ...

And then my mom let us know that she wasn't coughing, she was vomiting ...

Into the garbage by her computer ...

I am such a bad daughter!!!!

But, how cool is she?
Sicker than a dog, but still there to share in this experience!
You gotta love her - I sure do!
(even if I giggle when she is barfing - looks like I won't be getting daughter-of-the-year ... AGAIN!)

Anyhow, the whole experience was topped off by the fact that of all the guesses that were made by so many friends and family, the person who had the closest guess was

yep - that's my sink climbing, silly face making, early morning rising, lump o'love!!!

His little finger pointed pretty close to Curitiba, and so, he wins!
And he hasn't the slightest idea!

Anyhow, many congrats and well wishes to "D" - we are so excited for this opportunity he has to serve in this beautiful land, and for all of the incredible experiences he will have.

Congrats "D"!

And, thanks for letting us get in on all the excitement, even if we were a bit giddy!

Até depois!


Gosfam said...

That is so cool!! Gotta love technology. I have a friend that served in Curitiba back in 2001 I think :) Great mission he will love it.

Katie Pettey said...

I love it! I need to figure out the Skype thing some day. You know, Michael did the same thing with Andy's call and he got it right! I never discount babies' "intuition". I haven't forgotten about you helping me with my blog - just got distracted by other things this week. BTW, we were on a date with HULU last night too.

Debbie Alden said...

So sorry I missed it. But you know where I was.

Scott and Sara said...

That was so fun to read. Yay for him! Not so yay for your mom. I was laughing when you kept saying how you were laughing...then she was puking!

Lara Neves said...

I think it's so cool what we can do with modern technology!

I hope your mom is feeling better soon, poor thing.

Jenny said...

Way Cool!!!

Your poor mother! Hope she is better soon.