"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine."
~ Anthony J. D'Angelo
We have had such beautiful weather this week - which we have enjoyed to the fullest! However, the week before was a little different. One day when I was feeling a little glum about it all, I was looking at the boy sitting in the window seat with the snow in the background. I thought it would be fun to get a photo of him pouting at the weather ... this is what I got instead:
(he's trying, but I can still see his dimples)
He tried, this one almost worked, he held it for a few seconds.
And then he was out of there!
There aren't too many gloomy days with this guy around!
for more photo/quote sharing
Love that song! Those little tears are heartbreaking. goodness.
There's just something about a cute boy with dimples!
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