I guess I have always tried to be a nice person and plan on doing so for the rest of my life. It keeps me happy.
So, the other day I came across a certain blog (to remain nameless) that seems to have a great number of readers. My heart sank a little because the nature of the blog was fairly unkind. It made me sad to see that people were so eager to jump on a bandwagon that took to putting others down for the way they dress or the fact that they don’t get manicures. Ugh! It’s just wrong on so many levels.
I was considering redoing one of my favorite bumper stickers of all time.
But it seemed to be a little negative.
So, I am going to go with the guys from my band class and do this:

That’s better!
Thank you to all you nice people out there, your kind and happy posts and comments are very much appreciated by sweet little ole me!
What a great post! I love the second picture you've made... absolutely adorable! I want to eat the candy however.. I must be hungry.
Oh, it's been busy, but I'm working on the tag! Promise. It'll be up soon :)
Enjoy your pumpkins when you get the chance!!
Oh, and hope everyone is feeling much, much better. I hate colds and feel so bad for the little ones when they go through it.
Huh...I don't remember that at all. I must not have got one. If I did, I've long since forgotten/blocked/suppressed it. I'm sure my 'award' would not have been in the same vein as yours. :-) I do think that "kinder,gentler babe" statement sums you up perfectly -- then and now. Love yer guts!
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