Monday, November 23, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday ... Turkey for Me, Turkey for YOU!

Let's eat turkey from a big brown ... muffin tin bear!!!
(no, we're not going to eat out of a shoe)

We made some turkeys for lunch today,
with a token cornucopia, just for fun.

Our turkeys included:

Cream Cheese Turkey

Turkey Sandwich Turkey

And ... the favorite ... Oreo Turkey

When I was snapping a few photos,
The Boy REALLY wanted a photo of the Capri Sun.
I told him I would take a photo of him
drinking the Capri Sun ... This is what happened:

And Finally ...


Check out more Turkey Tins at


Anonymous said...

Awesome tin! You were so creative.

Susana said...

You're the best Jenny, and so are your tins each week:-)!

Christina said...

I love your tin and really enjoyed seeing what you did this week!

The Masked Mommy said...

haha! I think you win the award for the biggest gaggle of turkeys! :-)

Muthering Heights said...

Those are adorable! What a festive lunch!

The Activity Mom said...

SO clever! I love those!

Jen said...

Your muffin tins are the cutest I've ever seen!!!

great turkeys too! :)

~LKB said...

Very cute! I'm glad my daughter left the room before I clicked here or else I wouldn't hear the end of it until she gets an Oreo turkey!