I can't believe that I am so
This morning was beautiful in Utah, the sun was rising over the mountains with big, bright rays illuminating our little valley. That always puts a smile on my face, and I am feeling happy.
So, I am going to have my little 100 post celebration today.
Anyhow, on to the business of the day. I joined the blogging world in April as an attempt to keep a good record of our family and all that we are doing. I quickly realized that this was also a fun way to communicate with my brother and sister who live far away. And then I started to find all sorts of wonderful people that are sharing their love with the blogging world - that was the icing on the cake. And that's what I want to celebrate with post 100 - Sharing the Love!
I could probably go through and tell you everything I love about each of the blogs I have linked on mine, but that would take way too long and I have doctors and orthodontist appointments today with the kids. So, I am going to keep it simple. They are all wonderful and leave me laughing or crying, usually smiling and adding a little sweetness or fun to my day. Many of these are family and friends of mine - it's so fun to be able to see more of the things they do in their everyday lives. Then there are those who I only know as bloggers - and that has been fun to see life through so many different points of view. Many of these blogs give me great ideas of activities to do with my own family, increasing the fun and love in our own home. They also provide an opportunity for me to see into the lives of others, a great thing for someone as nosey as myself. And we are all sharing in the love.
So, this is my official THANK YOU to everyone who adds a little sparkle to my everyday life. I am sending a big old hug to everyone who has positive, happy, upbeat, loving, kind and humorous energy to share with the world.
And to say thank you I want to give away this:

lovely necklace - this is a relic from my failed attempt to be a lia sophia advisor. I might have been a lousy salesperson, but I have a lot of leftovers to keep me happy! This particular one has been worn only one time and received lots of compliments. However, I have 3 other blue necklaces that I wear much more frequently, and this one has just sat in my soft, padded jewelry box for about a year and a half - completely untouched. Sad, I know.
So, I will give this to some happy responder to this post. All I ask is that you look over the blogs I have linked (My Blog List as well as my list of Blogs I Visit/Lurk/Stalk) and find one that you love and share some love for them in your comment here. Those that do will be the potential winners of the necklace.
And, if I get more than 10 comments (I must keep my goals realistic), I will include these:

lovely earrings that match the necklace perfectly. Again, just sitting for years, untouched in my jewelry box. These will come in a lovely lia sophia box, so , if they aren't quite your style, you could also give them as a gift to someone else - nice, huh?
So, SHARE THE LOVE OF BLOGGING. (just so you know - the slogan for lia sophia is, "Share the Love of Jewelry", hee hee.)
I will draw a lucky winner on Tuesday, October 14 at noon - o - clock Mountain Time!
Now a walk down memory lane ...
Just for fun, I ran a random number generator to pick 5 posts from my first 100, here is a very random sampling from "The Sound You Hear is ... Living":
You crack me up! I tried the Pampered Chef thing and was not successful. I do love Lia Sophia.
I actually found Margo and Katie through your blog! It is such a fun little (?) blogging world out there, I've made contact with lots of friends and I've made friends with a lot of new bloggers.
So much fun.
Congrats on your 100th post!!!! Yay.
Oh, I love the post about the first few weeks, adorable pictures of your little guy. He's so sweet. My daughter was early too, 3 weeks exactly. Aren't they just perfect??!??
Congrats on your 100th post that is awesome. I love reading your blog so keep up the good writing.
I'm so sorry I got you wrapped up in this blogging thing, but not the least bit sorry for me! You are amazing! Congrats on your 100th!
So I plan to vote to help the winner get those lovely earrings, but please don't put me in the drawing! You know to well that I already own the set ;) So anyways ~ my vote goes to "our crazy life."
Love ya, girl!
Those are great! You're not along with the blogging obsession! it is this great! Woo-hoo! Love your giveaway....beautiful!!! I'd love to wear those ;O) Have a great weekend!
Congrats on your 100th! I love reading your blog so keep the posts coming!
I already won something from your Lia Sophia party (my favorite earrings that I wear nearly every day!). So I probably shouldn't win again...
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